
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_1.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT IF((e.highlightDate >= "2024-06-14 12:41:00" OR e.highlightDate = "0000-00-00 00:00:00") AND e.highlight = "1",1,0) isHighlighted, e.*, tt.startDate, tt.endDate FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e JOIN cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt ON e.id = tt.eventID LEFT JOIN cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge ON e.id = ge.eventID LEFT JOIN cms_mod_calendar_group g ON g.id = ge.groupID WHERE g.id IN ("55") AND (g.siteID="109" OR (g.siteID!="109" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" and (tt.startDate >= "2024-06-14 12:41:00" or (tt.endDate >="2024-06-14 12:41:00" and tt.startDate <= "2024-06-14 12:41:00")) AND e.deleted ="0" AND e.hidden="0" group by e.id order by isHighlighted desc, tt.startDate asc limit 5
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendarView/calendarView.php:Line 161

Hetkel puuduvad eesolevad sündmused.

Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_1.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("55") and (tt.startDate < "2021-10-22 00:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-10-22 00:00:00" AND e.id<"4047")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="109" OR (g.siteID!="109" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "4047" ORDER BY tt.startDate DESC, e.id DESC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 68
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_1.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE g.id IN ("55") and (tt.startDate > "2021-10-22 00:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-10-22 00:00:00" AND e.id>"4047")) and tt.eventID = e.id AND ge.eventID = e.id and ge.groupID = g.id AND (g.siteID="109" OR (g.siteID!="109" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND e.id != "4047" ORDER BY tt.startDate ASC, e.id ASC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 74

Garage48 Food 2021

Algus: 22.10.2021 00:00
Lõpp: 24.10.2021 00:00

Online and Offline


Garage48, Eesti Maaülikooli ja Eesti Teadusagentuuri kaaskorraldamisel ning Maaeluministeeriumi, TFTAK, BioCC, TalTech ja Polli Aiandusuuringute Keskuse partnerluses leiab 22. - 24. oktoobril 2021 aset esimene omalaadne toidutehnoloogia hackathon Eestis, et leida lahendusi erinevatele väljakutsetele toiduainetööstuses.

Täpsem info aadressil https://eventornado.com/event/Garage48%20Food#home