Project: Modern breeding tools for smart food security (MARTA) .
Project Manager: Liina Jakobson ( doktorikraad) Maaelu Teadmuskeskus, vanemteadur/ sordiaretuse osakonna juhataja.  

Lead partner: METK. Teised partnerid: Tartu Ülikool, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Eesti Maaülikool
Funding source: Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium
Eligible period: 01.07.2024-31.12.2027
Project status: activated

Total budget: 1 980 000€, METK budget 1 035 000€

Project goals:  The research questions addressed in the MARTA project range from broad phenotypic and genotypic screening to the application of precision breeding and the creation of novel genetic markers. Establishing a pipeline for using genomics and transcriptomics results will speed up and create new possibilities for breeding climate-resilient future crops. MARTA aims to generate specific scientific knowledge, data, and results and develop modern breeding tools (e.g., novel genetic markers for disease resistance and pre-breeding material from precision breeding).