Competence Centre for Knowledge-Based
Health Goods and Natural Products
Support from the Measure of Developing Regional Competence Centres
Project leader: Ave Kikas
Project period: 01.12.2010 – 31.12.2014
Total budget 3 765 566 euros, support from ERDF 3 143 047 euros.
Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Estonian University of Life Sciences together with co-operation partners has initiated the establishment and development of the Competence Centre for Knowledge-Based Health Goods and Natural Products. The Competence Centre is unique in Estonia as its main field of activity and niche lies in the research and development of health goods and natural products using modern, high-technology methods, including extraction of bioactive ingredients of plant origin, that are used in functional foods, eco-cosmetics, household chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc. The main goal of the project is to consolidate and mobilise sectorial know-how as well as other resources and raise the sectorial competitiveness via international networking, research, and development based on both academic excellence and business innovation. It also aims at enhancing the visibility of the region and supporting the cooperation of research institutes, the public sector and enterprises.
Partners who have signed the mutual co-operation agreement for the strategic development of the Competence Centre are: University of Tartu, Tartu Biotechnology Park Ltd, TBD-Biodiscovery LLC, Estonian Employers’ Confederation, Karksi Rural Municipality, A.Le Coq Ltd, Desintegraator Tootmise LLC, Elujõud LLC, Märja Monte LLC, Orto Ltd, Tervix LLC, Mayeri Industries Ltd, Competence Centre of Food and Fermentation Technology Ltd, Estonian Spa Association, Põltsamaa Felix Ltd, Saarek Ltd.
All parties who are interested in developing the Competence Centre are welcome to join the team of contractual partners. Specific projects and provision of complex services will be regulated by specific agreements.